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Mittwoch, 29.01.25, 20:00 Uhr

Winging It – Improv Comedy in English feat Small Town

Ever wanted to build your own city ? Come and see the foundation of Small Town, an improvised city where the skyline is built on stage, where little lives of ordinary citizens become hilarious and grandiose adventures. Spoiler : The city will be erased as we need to leave the stage clean…

Performers: Thomas Demaurex and Damian Veiga

Winging It is Geneva’s English-language improv sandbox. New formats, new troupes, and new improvisers take the stage.

Each month, you get to see a new improv show. It can be familiar performers trying a new format, or a whole new ensemble debuting. And in the second half, the Saints will host an improv jam with performers and audience members, where you get to play familiar short-form games with friendly faces.

So come on down if you want to see cool new improv – or if you want to try your hand on the Geneva improv stage yourself.

If your group is interested in performing, shoot an email to hello@renegadesaints.ch with the subject line « Winging It ».


Floky Underground
Rue de Carouge 44
1205 Genève

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