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Freitag, 03.05.24, 13:00 Uhr

Pulse Clinic – Zurich – 2024

Congratulations on investing in your BEST self ! Before you come, it may help to watch these two short videos:

We also encourage you to start reading Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer as a part of your healing journey.

What to expect?

During your one-on-one appointment, you’ll meet with Dr. Giovanni Brincivalli for approximately 15 minutes when he will take your pulse and ask you certain questions about your health and goals. Dr. Giovanni gathers information from your pulse and the questions he asks you in order to assist you with what you want (physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually). From the consultation you’ll get a roadmap/blueprint of which ancient secrets (diet, herbs, home remedies, etc.) can help you achieve your goals.

After your consultation with Dr. Giovanni, you will meet with another doctor to discuss diet, herbs, etc., and answer any of your questions.

This pulse consultation is a powerful way to give you insight into what you can do to change your diet and life for the better, to align with what you want to happen in your life.

Dr. Giovanni usually plans to come back to an area after 6 months, to be able to do follow-up consultations, celebrate your progress, and map out the best way forward with you.

To make the most of your appointment, please don't eat 2 hours prior to your scheduled time


Pulse Clinic c/o Augmenticon AG
Europa-Strasse 19a
8152 Opfikon

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