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Freitag, 27.12.24, 09:30 Uhr

Mindfull Practices Series Mornings/Evenings

x Beautiful shared moments x
Where we will show up daily to answer uncomfortable questions or engage in reflection.

These practices will make you feel magnetic in your body again.
You’ll know exactly what is right for you and what no longer serves you.

Thats an invitation to a journey of self-discovery and transformation, which is both challenging and a path to uncovering inner strength.

Confronting uncomfortable questions daily and taking time for reflection is a beautiful way to reconnect with your true self and learn what supports your energy in life and what depletes it.

It reminds of mindfulness and conscious living—a state where the body, mind, and soul are in harmony. When we know what serves us and what does not, when we know how to listen our bodies, we can make decisions aligned with our true selves, bringing a sense of freedom and lightness.

It sounds like a journey inward, leading to greater authenticity and magnetism in everyday life!

We will use breathwork practices, embodiment dance, as well as silence and journaling..
We Will meet online on my instagram profile @valyoues.care

These practices are FREE of charge.

With Love

Her Valyoues x Valyoues Care


Live Instagram Session

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