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Dienstag, 03.12.24, 12:00 Uhr

Lunch Sound Journey

Weekly Lunch Sound Journeys - every Tuesday 12.00-13.00 at the beautiful Nandalayoga studio in the heart of Zürich (only 200m from the Main Station).

These Lunch Break Sessions are the perfect way to recharge both your mind and body. It offers a peaceful escape from the day’s challenges, leaving you refreshed, focused, and ready to take on the rest of your day with renewed energy and clarity.
Our sessions weave together the healing vibrations of cristal - and bronze singing bowls, chimes, chakapa and more to create a deeply rejuvenating experience.
Join us and let the power of Sound guide you to the sanctuary within — your weekly oasis awaits!

See you soon.
Vanessa - Munay Frequency



About Vanessa:

Vanessa offers a sacred, ceremonial space for deep self-exploration and transformation, where participants are welcome with all that they are. Her practice blends the healing medicine of cacao with mindfulness, authentic relating, guided meditation, sound frequencies, and shamanic rituals. Together, these elements create a powerful journey toward inner growth and spiritual alignment.

Her intuitive approach to holding space involves tuning into both the environment and participants, guiding the experience based on their evolving needs and dynamics.

Her years spent in Peru and Mexico have provided her with a unique perspective that profoundly shapes and enhances her ceremonial work.

She creates a space where participants are free to explore and connect with transformative practices in a deeply supportive and loving way.





Nandala Yoga - Zürich
Klingenstrasse 42
8005 Zürich

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