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Freitag, 06.12.24, 19:00 Uhr

Healing Sound Journey by Tanya & Brighton Zere

Tanya & Brighton Zere will take you on a soundful journey to your inner space of dreams and spirit. Their unique fusion of melodies and instruments will allow you to reconnect and release. Using the realm of frequencies as well as poetic channeling you will gain access to healing and inner peace.

Allow yourself to listen...


Tanya Zere is a Swiss born nomad with roots in Zimbabwe. Her spiritual journey spirales around ancestry and spiritual roots, purpose and human connection. She uses her voice as a channel to bring forth the healing of the heart - for herself, for all beings, and for the planet.

Brighton Zere is born in Zimbabwe and a cosmopolitan at heart. For him, music and spirit are always connected - through all styles and musical approaches. He is strongly rooted in a spirituality of trust, devotion, and love for humans aswell as for the spirits.



Normal Ticket: 45 CHF

Come with a friend: 60 CHF (for two)

At the event: 55 CHF



Elsässerstrasse 34
4056 Basel

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