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Samstag, 25.01.25, 11:30 Uhr

From guilty conscience to growth: Workshop with Breathwork

"Becoming aware of your bad conscience and your good needs" Body & Mind - Workshop hosted by Dr. Pintsov (specialist in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy FMH) and Nina Notter owner of nn-movement & nn-breath, Fitness and Breathwork Coach 

This workshop offers a space to become aware of how your bad conscience is influencing your quality of life and how to sense what you need instead of what is right to do. Reconnect with your needs through breathwork and critical thinking

Workshop Details: 

Duration: ca. 90 minutes 
Time: 11:30 - 13:00 approx. 
Arrival by: 11:20 
Build up: Intro and introduction about the workshop and your hosts, excercises in talking and breathing, workshop in little groups, ending with a breathwork session 

This workshop is suitable for everyone. We cannot wait to welcome you and dive a little deeper into that theme that we all struggle with. 

Nina Notter, Arthur Pintsov 


Dr. Zepter, Münsterhof 13, 8001 Zürich, CH
Münsterhof 13
8001 Zürich

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